Workshop on Connecting Tools and Platforms for Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

HCOMP 2023
November 6, Delft, Netherlands

This workshop has been cancelled (postponed) due to a scheduling change of the main conference.

Photo courtesy of wikimedia commons
About Participants HCOMP2023

About HCOMP-connect Workshop


Since the advent of human computation and crowdsourcing, many tools and platforms have been developed in academia and industry. However, the lack of interconnectivity among them has hindered their full potential. Achieving interoperability would allow our community to provide the infrastructure for human-in-the-loop problem solving on a global scale. In this workshop, we invite people involved in these tools and platforms from both industry and academia to discuss potential ways to improve their interoperability. Our goal is to set a clear road map toward that goal and provide a draft that can serve as a first concrete step.

Workshop Format (subject to change)

This is an invitation-only workshop. In the workshop, we plan to:
  • have invited and contributed presentations from industries and academia on their tools and platforms for human computation and crowdsourcing,
  • Identify the relationship among the tools and platforms,
  • discuss effective ways to improve the interoperability among tools and platforms,
  • develop a first draft towards a reference model for improving the interoperability, potentially consisting of vocabularies and data formats, and identify a roadmap toward that goal.


Participants (to be extended. In the Alphabetical order)

  • Senjuti Basu Roy (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
  • Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (University of Fribourg) Organizer
  • Gianluca Demartini (the University of Queensland)
  • Djellel Difallah (NYU Abu Dhabi)
  • Ujwal Gadiraju (Delft University of Technology)
  • Atsuyuki Morishima (University of Tsukuba) Organizer
  • Alex Quinn (Purdue University)
  • Alisa Smirnova (Toloka)
  • Jie Yang (Delft University of Technology)